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Curriculum Vitae

If you'd like to download my full academic CV, you can do so below. 




Keep scrolling for a brief summary of my education, teaching, and academic roles. 



University of Oxford

DPhil (PhD) in Sociology 
Doctoral thesis: “Together We Are Strong”: Regional Protest During Moments of Mass Mobilization in Ukraine and Belarus. Supervisors: Prof Olga Onuch (Primary) and Prof Stephen Fisher


University of Oxford

MPhil in Russian and East European Studies (Interdisciplinary) 
Dissertation: Mobilising Ukraine: Understanding the symbolism and slogans of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity 2013-14


University of Cambridge

BA in Modern Languages (Russian, French & Ukrainian)
First class
Dissertation: Maidan: Time, Space and Identity (Analysis of documentary films of the Euromaidan)

Academic Positions


New York University


Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia


Columbia University

Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Ukrainian Studies
The Harriman Institute


Columbia University

Adjunct Lecturer in Sociology

Teaching Experience

Spring 2023, Fall 2023

Columbia University

Design and teaching of original seminar course:

Ukrainian Activism and Protest since 1990 


Freie University Berlin

Secondary supervisor for MA student in International Relations

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